Monday, August 3, 2009

another five types .

" 5 Types of Men That All Women Hate."

1. Mr. “Spineless”

Can you speak up for yourself just once? That’s what I want to say every time I run into Mr. “Spineless.” In many ways, his act plays out like the beginning of Coming to America, since he’s always saying, “Whatever you like.” And while a woman may enjoy this act for a short period of time, she eventually grows tired of her man not having a backbone.

So my advice to Mr. “Spineless” is speak up for yourself. If you don’t like something, say it. She’ll respect you more in the long run.

2. Mr. “Name-Dropper”

“Hey baby, did you know that Jay-Z and I are in the same Sunday School class? Yeah, he’s my prayer partner so I counsel him on Beyonce. I can introduce you if you’d like.”

And on and on it goes.

If only Mr. “Name-Dropper” would realize that real women are rarely impressed by a man who spends the majority of his time name-dropping. He should stop trying to woo her with who he knows, and instead try wowing her with who he is.

3. Mr. “My Friends Come First”

Let me first say that I’m a strong advocate of both men and women maintaining their friendships while in a relationship. But Mr. “My Friends Come First” seems more concerned with hanging out with his boys than keeping his relationship strong.

Here’s something that he obviously doesn’t know: Those same “friends” would leave him in a heartbeat to be with a good woman. That’s why it’s important to take care of your relationship first. You can always catch up with your friends later.

4. Mr. “Change My Diaper

When she first met Mr. “Change My Diaper,” she thought she’d be his woman—not his mother. But this man is so immature that she often contemplates claiming him as a dependent on her taxes.

Everything about this guy reeks of immaturity: he doesn’t have a decent job, he doesn’t have any real goals, and his idea of “foreplay” is having his three friends come over to play video games. Yeah, that sounds appealing.

5. Mr. “Tell Me Anything”

Mr. “Tell Me Anything” is such a smooth talker. There’s just one problem though. He never follows through with anything that he says … never. In fact, he’d probably make a great AM radio host, since he’s “all talk, all the time.” She’ll soon grow tired of his eloquent speeches and leave him alone. When that happens, he’ll be left with nothing but the hot air from his words to keep him warm at night.

To read more from the Fly Guy, visit The Fly Guy Chronicles

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