Monday, June 22, 2009

err ... jealousy .

i'm not talkinq about beinq jealous of a person or what they have . i'm talkinq about beinq jealous in relationships . as in not trustinq your boyfriend or qirlfriend with the opposite sex . i know sometimes people have reasons to be jealous . buh until those reasons are proven then why be jealous ? i'm the last person to talk to about trust because i have issues with trustinq buh i qive people the benefit of the doubt . it really qets on my nerves when someone i'm tryinq to be in a relationship with qets jealous of my friends of the opposite sex . some people think that you can't be friends with the opposite sex buh it just comes easy for meh . people think i'm makinq excuses for the way i am and they really qot meh fucked up for that . buh the qoinq throuqh text messaqes , myspaces messaqes , qoinq throuqh my computer is not qoinq to fly with meh . people always jump to conclusions about thinqs without knowinq the first thinq about what's qoinq on . it's like people expect a person to do wronq . i quess that's how life qoes tho . people will always qet cauqht up doinq stupid shit anyways so why put yourself throuqh tryinq to be all slick and search throuqh shit . like why would you really want to find somethinq you don't want to see . i mean a little jealousy is alriqht with meh because it kinda shows that a person cares and wants you to themselves . buh sometimes people just do too much extra shit .

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