My Top Ten Celebrity Crushes

10TEN : Jeremih
A new kid on th block and certainly not th ' hottest one out in th ' game right now . Something about him appeals to me tho . And he has talent . I think that appeals to me th ' most . He plays th ' piano and sings which is what I want th ' man i marry to do every single night .

9Nine : Common
One of my favorite rappers hands down which is what appeals th ' most to me about him . When he raps I can't help but listen .

8Eight : Russell Simmons
I don't care if he is older than me . He's rich , a generous person , and when he talks , his lisp makes me smile . He dates some of th ' hottest women around . And why not ? He's growing older and still looking good , which not many men can do .

7Seven : James Franco
Talented ? Check . Sexy ? Check . Smart ? Check . He has to be one of th ' most talented actors I have ever seen . He can play either serious or funny roles which is so damn sexy to me . I remember first seeing him on Freaks And Geeks and wanting him so badly because he was th ' bad boy . Those feelings still haven't changed .

6Six : Brian White
He's nice to look at . Real nice to look at . Some eye candy .

5Five : Trey Songz
I swear he has to be th ' sexiest singer alive . His songs are amazing and his voice is amazing . Whether he's singing about fucking or making love he makes it sound so good either way . Plus , he's a freak . And not th ' pee on you kinda way .

4Four : Pharrell
His style makes him so sexy . He is just so uniquely him . I swear th ' word swagger had to be made up just by looking at him . Th ' way he carries himself , th ' way he talks , th ' way he looks , his style , his music , i can go on and on . He is just incredibly sexy .

3Three : T.I.
Sexiest rapper . His voice gives me th ' chills . His smile gives me goosebumps . I've had a crush on him since I saw ' 24's ' on BET . Fell hard when ' Let's Get Away ' came out . Just looking at him makes my panties want to disappear . Top three material definitely .

2Two : Eminem
By far he is my favorite rapper . He is so talented on th ' mic which puts him in th ' top 2 . He probably would've been number one a couple years ago but i feel like he fell off on his game . He jumped up to number two tho after going hard on that Mariah diss . I swear his lyrical delivery is so sick and it helps that he doesn't look so bad .

1One : Shannon Brown
There isn't one person that doesn't know I love Shannon Brown . He looks so damn good and he plays so damn good . He's aggressive on th ' court and an overall amazing player with great potential . He's going to be on th ' Lakers for at least two years which i'm so excited about . My favorite player on my favorite team . I swear i'm going to marry him one day .
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