Today my friend texted me today and asked me if i believed in prince charming . Immediately , i said no and she asked me why . I said because fairytales are unrealistic . She said she agreed with me but that she was going to find hers . Righttttt . I love her and everything but I doubt that she will . A real life prince charming ? Doesn't exist . I'm not being cynical , just practical .
According to Wikipedia.Com ;
" Prince Charming is a stock character who appears in a number of fairy tales. He is the prince who comes to the rescue of the damsel in distress, and typically must engage in a quest to liberate her from an evil spell. The name has been given to the heroes of a number of traditional folk tales, including Snow White and Cinderella.
These characters are often handsome and romantic, a foil to the heroine, and are seldom deeply characterized, or even distinguishable from other such men who marry the heroine. In many variants, they can be viewed more as rewards for the heroine rather than characters."
"Prince Charming" is also used as a term to refer to the idealized man some women dream of as a future significant other. "
That's a nice idea right ?
Of course when I was younger I wanted a Prince Charming . Especially th ' one from Sleeping Beauty . Her prince charming could dance .

I grew up though and was faced with th ' reality that there is no perfect guy that's just going to sweep you off your feet . I do believe in th ' idea of soulmates tho . I just don't believe that all people are lucky to find theirs . Yeah my idea of romance flips flops a little . I just don't think that a lot of things are certain in life . I believe that things always happens for a reason .
My idea of soulmates relates mostly to this video . Watch at th ' 2:36 mark .
WARNING : could cause tears .
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