Friday, August 7, 2009

too late to apologize .

i feel kind of bad for celebrities . they have their whole personal lives out for everybody to see and judge . i'd hate it cuz i don't like my personal business out there unless i put it out there . also they have to deal with people lying on them . i think a lot of people forget that celebrities are real people . like why th ' fuck put them on this pedestal thinking that they can do no wrong . when it's been proven time and time again that they can . naked photos , drunk driving , sex tapes , bad hair days , etc . people get on celebrities for doing these things like it's th ' biggest deal in th ' world . like they haven't done these things themselves or known anybody that has done them . then they have to apologize for it . wtf ?! live life with no fucking regrets . seesh . to me it's not a big deal . yeah it's entertaining for a moment but it's definetly not worth seeing it on every news channel , on magazines in th ' grocery store , hearing it all over th ' radio over and over again . like seesh . get th ' fuck over it . th ' media wears news out to me . like talk about it once to inform th ' viewers and the move on .

yeah i just went on a rant of bullshit . it was just something random swimming in my head .

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