" back in th ' days when i was young i'm not a kid
anymore , but some days i sit and wish i was a kid again . "

th ' good old days . when i woke up early in th ' morning to watch Th ' Mighty Morphin Power Rangers . you know th ' original ones not these copy cats that came out over th ' years . when nickelodeon was th ' absolute shit . Doug , Rugrats , Hey Arnold , Are You Afraid Of th ' Dark , etc . remember that ? when TLC's Crazy , Sexy , Cool was th ' first cd i ever owned . when i had that Spice Girls cassette tape that i always danced to . when they had fucking cassette tapes ! or remember CD players and VCR players . when i would play tetris on my gameboy or sonic th ' hedgehog on my Sega Genesis . when hip hop was great . when mtv played music videos . when everybody was friends with everybody . when people respected each other . when people were nice to each other . when sex was something unknown . when there where scraped knees not broken hearts . when boys had cooties . happier times . when things were good .
i've been reminiscing a lot lately cuhz i feel like when i was younger things were so much different . and i've been feeling old because i see younger people today trying to grow old too quickly . and i guess don't understand that they should enjoy th ' carefree life that they won't get when they're older .
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