it's amazinq how much people frown upon th ' want of sex . maybe other people have abused sex by wantinq it too much and then qettinq it like they ain't ever qoinq to qet it aqain . now i'll be th ' first person to say that it's pretty disqustinq when a male or a female puts their body out there fuckinq whoever in siqht . buh if you qot respext for yourself and your body then what's wronq with wantinq sex . these days it's rare to find someone that hasn't experienced sex . and sometimes i think that sex isn't worth it . beinq a virqin is qreat if that's your choice . buh if you have a desire that needs to be filled then qo ahead . i just think that people make bad choices when it comes to who they have sex with and that's ok . you live and learn . buh sex is natural . cleavaqe is fine to meh . a lil peek of th ' panties or some butt cheek hanqinq is ok . i think of it as just a tease to people who will never qet it . and a reminder to whoever qot it . ha ! i just think you can tell by a person's actions if they're respectable or not respectable . a man wants a lady in th ' streets buh a freak in th ' sheets . my point is that sex is qreat if it's with th ' riqht person and you're ready for it . qettinq pressured into sex is not qoinq to make th ' experience qreat at all . haha . public service announcement : make th ' riqht choices and use protection .
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