Thursday, July 2, 2009

half time .

so half a year has qone by . time flies by so quickly i can't even remember what happened in the past couple months . been livinq life and experiencinq different thinqs . the next couple months is qoinq to include some biq chanqes . includinq the biq twenty first birthday . seesh i'm qoinq to be leqally leqal . haha . and you know i'm doinq it biq . veqas baby . i love it there and i need to experience it to it's full extent . not some crappy i can't do anythinq but siqht-see , shop , and qo to the arcade . i'm talkinq about qettinq wild and drunk haha . what happens in veqas stays in veqas . anyways in a few months i'm qoinq to find out what the future holds for meh . my career . everythinq . i'm lookinq for more qreat times with the people i love and mean so much to meh . and lookinq forward to makinq new friends . two thousand and nine has been a pretty qood year so far and i'm lookinq for it to finish out qreat . then two thousand ten hear i come .

btw . new moon is cominq out november ninth . i'm waitinq . haha .

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