music is just such a beautiful thinq . somethinq universal that all people can connect with . doesn't matter what kind of music you listen to . rap , r&b , rock , punk , classical , country , pop , or whatever . it's those sonqs . those sonqs that just reach into your soul and pull out your deepest thouqhts and feelinqs . those sonqs that qet you pumped up and ready for anythinq . those sonqs that let your anqer out . those sonqs that make you cry or make you happy . those sonqs that make you qet up on th ' table and shake that ass . or those sonqs that make you feel qood about yourself . it's crazy how one sonq can effect your mood . buh also it's just natural . it kinda pains meh when people don't listen to other kinds of music just because it's different . tryinq new thinqs is all part of life . you can't knock it if you don't try it , riqht ? people have so much to say about music . especially when it comes to hearinq somethinq first . like who th ' fuck really cares who heard it first . if a person likes it then they like it . buh truly there is a difference to what actually is a qood sonq or not . i mean a qreat sonq is somethinq that most people can qet into and relate to . and i'm qettinq off topic tho . i love music tho . i don't know what i would do without it . and even thouqh i stay more towards the hip hop and r&b qenres i do like to branch out into different qenres also . and if you haven't done that . try it . i bet you'll like it .

th ' best music store i've been to so far . they have everythinq .
amoeba music store in hollywood, ca .
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