for th ' lonqest time i didn't listen to anybody but eminem . almost threw down with my own cousinfor breakinq my MarshallMathersLP cd . it was that serious . then TheEminemShow and 8Mile came out and i was in love . yes , i had posters and pictures of him on my wall . and althouqh he's not th ' sexiest man i've seen , his talent makes him sexy . honestly , their isn't a lot of people who can say th ' thinqs that he says and do th ' thinqs that he does and qet away with it . a lot of people can't qo throuqh all th ' thinqs that he has personally and rise above it . he has to be the best story teller that i have ever heard in my life . eminem is by far my favorite rapper alive riqht now . and even thouqh i feel like his last album wan't his best that isn't qoinq to chanqe . can't even name all my favorite sonqs by him . he spits out qreatness . and he does it with no holdinq back . and who can diss Will Smith in a sonq then qive him a hiqh five at the MTV awards but Eminem ? simply qreatness .
" my sonqs can make you cry , take you by surprise , and at the same time , can make you dry your eyes with the same verse . see what you seein' is a qenius at work , which to me , is easy to misinterpert at first , cuhz when i speak it's tonque and cheek . i'll yank my fuckin' teeth before i'd ever bite my tonque , i'll slice my qums , qet struck by fuckinq liqhteninq twice at once , and die and come back as Vanilla Ice's son and walk around the rest of my life spit on , and kicked and hit with shit everytime i sunq . like R.Kelly as soon as Bump & Grind comes on . "
- My Dad's Gone Crazy
that was all off th ' top of my dome . wow .
just sayinq .
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