a year since i've last been in a relationship . like a real relationship . sure i've dated and what not . buh i haven't fully been commited to anybody . honestly , there hasn't been anyone i've wanted to commit to . except for one . this has probably been the lonqest that i haven't had a bf . sure sometimes it's lonely buh i'm qood by myself . i feel a little free . i think that all the relationships i've been in have set a hiqh ass bar for my future relationships . i don't want to settle for anythinq less than what i feel i deserve . because a real ass woman deserves a real ass man . i find flaws in men now a days . i dislike qames . i dislike liars . i dislike cheaters . and it's funny to meh when a quy tries to run qame on meh . buh i'm an observer . i notice the little thinqs . i'm not the jealous type buh i don't like to share . is it too much too ask for some faithfulness . sometimes i qot the mentality of a niqqa that contributes to the reason i can't vibe with anyone . buh seesh . i don't like actinq like a straiqht bitch . yeah i like you buh do i have to be all over your dick to show it ? i don't think so . i need a niqqa to meet meh halfway . i don't want a man who is overly clinqy tho either . like no thirst ? i'm not nosy . i won't sit and qo throuqh your phone behind your back , i'm not qoinq to look throuqh no myspace comments , or anythinq like that . i'll do that shit in front of your face . haha . i don't qo searchinq for shit . shit will always qet back to meh anyways . people aren't as slick as they think they are . oh well i'm not lookinq for someone to vibe with . just patiently waitinq .
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