Wednesday, May 13, 2009

don't understand .

i hate cheaters . i can't stand them . if i'm in a relationship and my siqnificant other cheats on meh there is no way that i can make it work with them . once trust is qone it's way too hard to qain back . so when i see qirls qettinq cheated on and takinq their quys back like nothinq . i d c if you're wifey or not . wifey is not supposed to be cheated on . i don't want to just be number one to a man i want to be one and only . qirls these days have the mentality that it's ok if a man qoes out and plays around with other qirls because its them the man comes home too . fuck that . there is no respect in lettinq a man cheat on you . women should know better . i feel like if a man cheats on you once and they qet away with it then they're qoinq to cheat on you aqain . that's been my experience personally and seeinq what other women qo throuqh . so i don't understand the whole thinq . what happened to carinq about honesty , faithfulness and trust in a relationship ? if a relationship lacks those three then it will just fall apart . 

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