people ask meh what i've been up to .
work and school . work and school . work and school
work and school . work and school . work and school
work and school . work and school . work and school
work and school . work and school . work and school
work and school . work and school . work and school
work and school . work and school . work and school
barely any time for play . oh well . i'm on my qrind . and i see too many people who say they are and really arent . like please you roll around in a nice car with nice clothes buh ain't qot no qas in the tank . i hate when people take advantaqe of my kindness too . seesh . i'm tired of havinq to pay for thinqs . i'm tired of people borrowinq my clothes . i'm tired of not beinq able to really qo out somewhere cuhz people don't have any money . and people who sit around their house or wherever doinq nothinq to better their future are lame as fuck . like that's not qoinq to qet you anywhere . fuck it . i'm a rise to the top and leave people on the bottom . i live my life lettinq qo of the past and only thinkinq about my present and my future .
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