whatever happened to talking on th ' phone? i used to be able to spend hours on th ' phone with a person and now i only talk to people for a quick minute. it's such a shame cuhz sometimes i miss those long talks. it's been such a long time since i've been able to have a good conversation over th ' phone. i remember in high school we used to have everybody three way somebody so that there would be a whole lot of people in on th ' conversation. i miss that.

death of th ' phone call started with texting. i have had so many conversations over text messages. like damn. ran up so many phone bills that my mom almost beat my ass over how much we'd go over th ' monthly bill. i could text without looking at th ' phone.

then came AIM. it's texting on th ' computer. plus you can do AIM as many people as you want. have chatrooms so that everybody can talk to each other at once. i know people who don't even talk on th ' phone. they just tell people to aim them. people ask each other for aims instead of numbers these days. smh.

now th ' sidekick to AIM and texting to another level. a computer and a phone in one. you can aim and text. and God knows that I have spent hours on a sidekick having conversations. from th ' sidekick 2 to th ' sidekick LX 09. i was on my sidekick constantly. and after all these years I started to despise my sidekick. just everything about it. but most of all AIM. so much drama happens on mother fucking AIM that I had to say goodbye to th ' sidekick.

hello blackberry curve 8520. i got to say i'm in love with this phone. and AIM on here will never live up to sidekick AIM so i'm on it less. i only really use AIM to talk to one person who doesn't talk on th ' phone. but th ' texting and twittering on this phone is at an all time high. i couldn't get away from it if i tried. but i really just miss actual phone calls. that's th ' point of this whole blog.
those late night, all night phone calls. i remember them fondly. but now i'm picky about who i want to conversate with. some people just call you at th ' wrong time or get on your nerves on th ' phone. then there are th ' people that don't say anything on th ' phone and just waste your time. i guess that's why texting, AIM, bbl, yahoo, twitter, and myspace or so popular. if you don't want to speak to a person then you don't have to answer.
there are just times when i want to say fuck all that and just talk on th ' phone tho. you feel me?
I Love that hamburger phone i wanted one of those every since i seen it in Juno..but yeah your right Texing has taking over i barely talk on the phone anymore..i have a sidekick & your right a computer and a phone in one.i miss talking on the phone too..
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