Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

th ' lost trash talk .

hey jamba jamba .

my favorite video . i love this shit . makes me crack up everytime i see it .

victory .

mayweather vs. marquez
winner : mayweather

waiting for mayweather vs. pacquio .

Thursday, September 17, 2009

want vs. have .

i always want something i can't have.

i put myself in bad situations . bad situations that could result in me having a broken heart ... again . but i want something so bad . i feel like i have to have that something . cuz i've found something so worth going through this ... confusion , that would hurt too much to lose . it would happen to me right ? finding something i've wanted for so long and it just being out of my reach . i feel like screaming sometimes cuz th ' situation is constantly on my mind .

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .
fml .

hello kitty x lady gaga .

courtesy of .

trend : shaved heads .

over this . most of these ladies don't even work th ' shaved hair thing . at least in my opinion . it's just becomes so trendy that it's disgusting . ladies who would have never thought about shaving their heads before want to start . that's a shame . like you see it on a celebrity and you want to do it . you've had plenty of time before . oh you trying to be different ? well you're starting to look th ' same as everybody else . smh . not a good look .

anyways , i love natalie portman . she rock'd th ' shaved head look .

change .

i feel like .

music artists today wear eccentric or "out there" outfits to distract people from their mediocre music .

just saying .

new moon .

i'm such a fan geek for this twilight saga . i'm in love with th ' book and i've
watched twilight a million times even tho i don't think it's th ' best movie i've
ever seen . but new moon looks goooooood . i'm excited .

dear november 20th .

when will you get here ? i'm waiting
impatiently . haha .

love ,

trust .

“ We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically , if we cannot trust , neither can we find love or joy . ”
- Walter Anderson

and most of my life i've learned how hard it is to trust people . i want to so badly . i just don't know how . i always tend to put faith in people tho and give them th ' benefit of th ' doubt . once i'm in a position to open my heart to someone and let them in completely i always over think everything . i tend to think of th ' ways that i could get hurt or betrayed . and maybe that's th ' problem with me and failed relationships . insecurities are a bitch .

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

cold flamez " miss me kiss me "

this video is not impressive . i actually like th ' song but it sounds
a little funny in th ' video . smh . two thumbs down .

backkkkkk .

so i've been m.i.a. lately cuhz th ' internet on my macbook was acting up . but i'm back . i'll be updating again . i'm pretty bummed that i missed out on a lot of stuff i could've been blogging about . smh . shame on me . but i'll be updating again so if you read my blog then woo woo !
