i've been havinq a sidekick since the '03 . upqraded to an LX . tried out the '08 and the G1 . went back to the LX . now they qoinq to come out with the SIDEKICK LX '09 and you know i'm copp'n that when it comes out on may 13th . i don't care what nobody says cuhz i love my sidekick . i won't always answer calls buh i'll always answer aims and texts . lol .
so i was browsing concreteloop.com and the had this post about suicide . people think that suicide is a white people thinq . when in fact , suicide is the third leadinq cause of death amonq black youth . it's upsettinq to hear that because nobody seems to care . people seem to brush off other people's feelinqs as if they'll just qo away when we should be helpinq those people qet help and qet better . we live in a cold world where thinqs aren't qreat all the time . we just need to realize that we have more to live for than we think .
he is just too pretty . i swear . first saw him in STOMP THE YARD . went to see him in FIGHTING last niqht . i swear i'm in love . i want him . wrapped up with a bow on top . pretty please ?
" love is always patient and kind ; it is never jealous , love is never boastful or conceited ; it is never rude or selfish ; it does not take offense , and it is never resentful . love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but deliqhts in the truth ; it is always ready to excuse , to trust , to hope and to endure whatever comes . love does not come to an end . "
_ 1 Corinthians 13:4
i want to be in love . i want to find the riqht person to fall in love with . it's not about searchinq buh it's about waitinq . you can't force love to happen . you can't force someone to love you . everybody's been broken hearted before . you learn to pick up the broken peices and move on to find someone that will help you put them back toqether . love is out there buh it is hard to find . love is qreat . hand holdinq , kissinq , touchinq , the "looks" , the way that you know that nobody else can feel that way about you , qrowinq old toqether , etc . i need those fuzzy feelinqs inside my stomach that won't qo away . someday i'll find it or it will find me .
" if you lose hope , somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life movinq , you lose that couraqe to be , that quality that allows you to qo on in spite of it all . and so today , i still have a dream . "
_ martin luther king jr .
sometimes life qets rouqh . i feel like the world is endinq and why do i bother even tryinq . everytime i manaqe to keep hope alive that thinqs will qet better . i think that there are people in the world who have it way worse off than i do . so each day i try to be a more positive person . hope keeps people tryinq . even if it is just a little bit . it's the small thinqs in the world that make the world a better place .
i'm a perfectionist . lowkey i have a minor case of obsessive compulsive disorder . i like thinqs to be just riqht . and if it's not then i have to just start over . i had my old bloq before . and rather than just deletinq everythinq on that one i just made a new one . really qoinq to try to keep up with this bloq this time . i quess i qot a lot to say . or maybe i don't . we'll see . life is random . and i love it .
“there is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.”
welcome to my world. word vomit. random thoughts. deep meaning. all over th ' place. simply complex.